Where can you have the opportunity to strike it rich and help people at the same time?
The answer:
The Lions’ Sight & Sound Sweepstakes, a cash raffle with a first prize of $5,000 and total prize money of $23,050.
The money raised will be used locally or statewide to help those with visual and hearing needs through programs such as Camp Lions for children/adults and free vision/hearing screenings.

Camp Lions Summer Camp offers eligible Illinois residents ages 7 years and older an over-night week of fun, challenging activities and an opportunity to make new friends with peers of similar abilities. Campers will enrich their personal independence & self-confidence through exciting group activities.
Learn More
The Mobile Screening Unit is one of the Lions of Illinois Foundation’s core programs. The Mobile Screening Unit travels throughout Illinois annually from March 1st through October 31st, screening individuals for hearing loss and retinal eye diseases. This is a free service hosted by your local Lions Club. Click “Learn More” to view the calendar to see when we’ll be in your area.
Learn More

When does the drawing take place?
Winners will be selected by random drawing during the Annual Membership Meeting of the Lions of Illinois Foundation on May 4, 2025 at the Crowne Plaza Springfield, an IHG Hotel, 3000 S. Dirksen Pkwy, in Springfield, IL 62703 beginning at 8:00 A.M.
Winners need not be present.
Winners’ names and amounts will be disclosed in Lions publications.
Sweepstakes tickets are available from any Lions Club member and cost $10 for a book of 3 tickets or $4 for an individual ticket.
Contact us at LIFoffice@lifnd.org to purchase tickets!
Persons wishing to join the Lions in their fight against the effects of vision and hearing loss should contact the local Lions Club or the Lions of Illinois Foundation.
Questions? Email us at LIFoffice@lifnd.org