To find the forms and documents related to each of the programs & services, please click the “View Resources” link below.
Camp Lions of Illinois
Camp Lions of Illinois for Blind and Deaf Youth and Adult offers Illinois residents an over-night week of fun, challenging activities and an opportunity to make new friends with peers of similar abilities.
At the core mission of the Lions of Illinois Foundation, it is our duty to provide quality programs for the detection, treatment, and rehabilitation of those with hearing needs.
Mobile Screening Unit
Since 2007 The Lions of Illinois Foundation Mobile Screening Unit Program has been traveling throughout Illinois screening for hearing loss and Retinal eye diseases. Each year all throughout Illinois, Lions Club Secretaries receive information and guidelines regarding hosting The Mobile Screening Unit within their communities.
CLICK HERE to host the Mobile Screening Unit.
Social Services
The Lions of Illinois Foundation Social Services Assistant assists Lions Clubs to provide access to needed services & equipment for people with vision and hearing needs in Illinois.
At the core of the mission of the Lions of Illinois Foundation, it is our duty to provide quality programs for the detection, treatment, and rehabilitation of those with visual impairments.

Lions of Illinois Funds for Emergency (L.I.F.E.)
The L.I.F.E. fund is a loan made available to Lions Clubs to help cover a Lion’s expenses in the case of an emergency. The only stipulation for the loan is that it be repaid in full within two years from the date of the check.
To inquire or apply, please contact the office accountant at (815) 756-5633 x 351.