Lions Candy Day occurs annually on the 2nd weekend of October.
Lions and volunteers will be visible throughout the community during the 2nd weekend of October for Candy Day! Lions will be giving away rolls of candy and accepting monetary contributions to be used in helping people with vision and hearing needs throughout Illinois.
The Lions Candy Day benefits multiple programs, provided by the Lions of Illinois Foundation. Some of those programs include our Low Vision Program for Students, Adult Low Vision-Orientation & Mobility Training, Camp Lions Summer Camp for Youth and Adults, and our Mobile Hearing and Retinal Screening Unit.

The Low Vision Program for Students performs FREE comprehensive visual evaluations, helping severely visually impaired students in grades K-12 make the most of their remaining sight. Low Vision optometrists travel to the screening locations, bringing equipment for examinations & demonstrations. Above all, the Low Vision Program helps address their daily challenges growing up with vision loss.
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Adult Low Vision-Orientation & Mobility Training is provided by an O&M specialist who helps to develop or re-teach the skills and concepts, a blind or visually impaired person needs to travel safely and independently through their environment. If a person were to become blind or severely visually impaired, there would be no funding through government assistance or private insurance to assist them with everyday living skills unless they were training for a job.
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Camp Lions Summer Camp offers eligible Illinois residents ages 7 years and older an over-night week of fun, challenging activities and an opportunity to make new friends with peers of similar abilities. Campers will enrich their personal independence & self-confidence through exciting group activities.
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The Mobile Screening Unit is one of the Lions of Illinois Foundation’s core programs. The Mobile Screening Unit travels throughout Illinois annually from March 1st through October 31st, screening individuals for hearing loss and retinal eye diseases. This is a free service hosted by your local Lions Club. Click “Learn More” to view the calendar to see when we’ll be in your area.
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